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- 題名
- 経文
無尽意菩薩。 白仏言。 世尊観世音菩薩。 云何遊此娑婆世界。 云何而為衆生説法。 方便之力。 其事云何。 仏告無尽意菩薩。 善男子。 若有国土衆生。 応以仏身得度者。 観世音菩薩。 即現仏身而為説法。
English Translation
The Bodhisattva Akşayamati addressed the Buddha, saying: "O Bhagavat! How does Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara wander through this sahā world? How does he teach the Dharma for the sake of sentient beings? What of his power of skillful means?"
The Buddha said to Bodhisattva Akşayamati: "O son of a vir- tuous family! If there is any land where sentient beings are to be saved by the form of a Buddha, Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara teaches the Dharma by changing himself into the form of a Buddha.
引用元:The Lotus Sutra (BDK English Tripitaka)